Thursday 14 March 2013

A new start

How do you start after a blogging absence of nearly a year? Do you fill in the gaps, do you rewind and retell, or do you just plunge right in?

I think I will do the latter. My stories are snapshots or our lives, our new lives in our new country, and I think they speak for themselves. When you read them you will get to know us, me and my kids, either again or for the first time.

Tijm, who is now 5, a big boy, who has made many friends in his new big school and loves football, writing and plants. Linde, who can't wait to be 4 and start big school as well, who is still a princess, still blond as can be. Jasmijn, who is now 2 and as determined as ever, who never sits still.

A new start and a new name, don't worry, the old address still works, but I think my new name, Bedouin mama, or bedu-mama for short, suits me better as it reflects our nomadic lives. A camel in the tropics. It is weird. But I can tell you, it is also great!

Read with us and let me know what you think. I love responses, and if you write too let me know where I can find you so I can visit you back.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to come across your blog, I also live in Singapore, you can connect me through my blog
